The risults of this research shows that the influences of picture books to the raeder attraction in Widoro Elementary School Yogyakarta have a positive relationship and influence the reader attraction in Widoro Elemtary School Yogyakarta. The data analysisis using product moment correlation then the data is processedby using SPSS version 19 for windows. This research is a quantitative researcch by its technique of data research uses questionnaire. Preview Text (PENGARUH BUKU CERITA BERGAMBAR TERHADAP MINAT BACA SISWA DI SD NEGERI WIDORO YOGYAKARTA ) BAB I, V, DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf Text (PENGARUH BUKU CERITA BERGAMBAR TERHADAP MINAT BACA SISWA DI SD NEGERI WIDORO YOGYAKARTA ) BAB II, III, IV.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only Abstract This research aims to prove (1) the existence of the influence of picture books to the students attraction in Widoro Elementary School Yogyakarta, (2) It is to describe how passion of read book in Widoro Elemtary School Yogyakarta, dan (3) It is to proof the impact of picture books to reading interest. Untuk wanita pada umumnya, menyusui atau memerah ASI Website ni hanya tuk iseng sebagai, Koleksi Pribadi, Hobby dan sekaligus bernostalgia.

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